5 Mistakes To Avoid While Eating Curd As Per Ayurveda

Producer:  Mehak Pal

People across India consume curd post-meal or as part of the meal to boost their digestive health and immunity.

Here are the 5 mistakes to avoid while eating curd according to Ayurveda.

Curd should not be heated. It loses its properties due to heating.

People with obesity, kapha disorders, bleeding disorders, and inflammatory conditions should avoid curd.

Curd should never be consumed at night.

Curd should not be consumed daily. You can consume it regularly by churning it to buttermilk which has added spices such as rock salt, black pepper, and cumin.

Do not mix your curd with fruits as it is a channel blocker incompatible food. Long-time consumption would trigger metabolic issues and allergies.

Curd is incompatible with meat and fish. Any combination of curd cooked along with meat and fish can produce toxins in the body.