5 Monsoon-special Vegetables From Maharashtra

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh | September 13, 2024

Maharashtrian cuisine is known for using local and seasonal vegetables. Here are some monsoon-special Maharashtrian vegetables.

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Shevla (Dragon Stalk Yam)

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It is a unique and rare vegetable found primarily during the monsoon season in Maharashtra. This wild, fibrous stalk has a distinctive texture and slightly earthy flavour. 

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This seasonal delicacy is foraged from the forests and is known for its tender leaves and mildly earthy flavour.

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Kantola (Cucumber Gourd)

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Kantola is highly valued in regional cuisines for its taste and nutritional benefits. It is green, small, and recognisable by its spiky skin that resembles a small, thorny gourd.

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Ambadi (Roselle)

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It is a tangy, leafy green widely used in Maharashtrian cuisine during the monsoon.

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Bamboo Shoot

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These tender shoots, harvested from young bamboo plants, have a crisp texture and a slightly sweet, nutty flavour.

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