Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Mood-boosting Habits for the Morning

Make your bed

The first thing you should do in the morning is to make your bed. Yes, it may seem stupid, but if you want to get your day off to a good start, you must do this first thing in the morning. 

Drink water

Having a glass of water every day on an empty stomach has numerous health advantages. It regulates your digestive system and aids with bowel regularity.


A morning workout will offer you more energy for the day. It improves your mood and helps with depressive symptoms. Additionally, it motivates you to eat healthily all day long.


Spend those minutes meditating rather than squandering it on social media. Even a brief session of five minutes can have a profound effect on your body. 

Prepare a nutritious breakfast

It is the most crucial meal of the day and you should never skip it. By giving the body vital vitamins and minerals, it gets the mind and body ready for the day.