Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

5 Mysterious Mountain Ranges Across The World

Mountains are not just beautiful to look at, they are thought to be near heaven.

Height isn’t everything when it comes to mountains. They come in different forms and sizes, and the oddest are typically the most eye-catching.

Mountains cover 22 per cent of the Earth’s land surface.

Apart from the visual appeal, several mountain ranges also possess mysterious and whimsical qualities.

The second-highest mountain in India is Nanda Devi. The peak is 7,816 metres high and is in Uttarakhand’s Garhwal Himalaya area. It derives its name from Nanda Devi who is considered to be the goddess of the Chamoli, Pittorgarh, and Bhageshri Districts.

Mount Kailash is regarded as one of the world’s most sacred mountains. The significance of these mountains is entrenched in Hindu mythology and has been passed down for decades. The people believe that Lord Shiva is still alive and well on top of the mountain.

Mount Sinai is situated in Egypt. According to beliefs, it was here that God spoke to Mosses and gave him the Ten Commandments. Many people visit these mountain ranges every year because of the belief that God can be seen here.

Mount Taranaki in New Zealand is very important and holy to the tribes living in the area. There is a river that flows close to the mountain which makes the area livable for humans.

The vibrant and different colours of China’s Rainbow Mountain make it look unreal. The peaks, which may be found in Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park, are several hundred metres high. The mountains get their vibrant colours from the minerals compressed inside them.