5 Natural Colour Options for Food

Producer:  Mehak Pal

Are you still using food colours to add colour to your food? Try these natural food colours.


Turmeric can be used to give yellow colour to foods. The colour can be as light and as dark but make sure to use it in moderation as it has a strong flavour.


You can use saffron for a yellowish tint in your food, especially biryani. Rice, milk, cream and other whitish foods are your best bet for colouring with saffron. 


 Beetroots have a strong natural colour, reddish tint turns pink once it is used.  You can use it to colour many kinds of treats, including cake icing, pasta, drinks and much more.

Rose Petals

Rose petals are another natural source of pink and reddish shades. You can use them in the form of powder or syrup.


If you want to give food items a green colour then you can use spinach. It does not have a strong flavour and thus you can experiment with it more.