5 Ornamental Plants for Your Home 

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Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey

Plants are the best way to decorate the house. Here are five ornamental plants you can help add glamour to your home.

Areca Palm

Areca Palm can easily survive indoors and outdoors. The plant features huge feathery leaves that can help add a leafy touch to your living room.

Snake Plant

It is also known as Mother-in-law’s tongue and is one of the best ornamental plants to spruce up your house. It has long and tough sword-shaped leaves in deep green and yellow colour.

String of Pearls

A string of pearls has round bead-shaped leaves. You can plant them in hanging baskets.

Peace Lily

Lily is a beautiful flower that is often used for gifting. Peace Lily plant has glossy leaves and arum-shaped flowers.


Begonia is a low-maintenance plant that features pink, red, white, yellow and orange flowers. It can grow quickly and is perfect for bedrooms and living rooms.