5 Places To Visit In India To Celebrate Easter

Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Easter is made more remarkable by the various customs observed in different states. Here are some places you can visit in India to celebrate Easter.


Every church in Goa hosts a procession and a Mass during Easter. Carnivals in Goa are known for their vibrant colours.


Easter is a perfect opportunity to visit Mumbai's famous churches and worship there.


Karnataka is another state where you must witness the celebration and service done in the church. You can go to Mysore to see royal life in person or to Coorg.


Sikkim offers a stunning view of the fauna and flora. You can visit several monasteries and participate in Easter rallies.


Visakhapatnam also known as Vizag, comes to life to celebrate the wonder of Easter. People come together to sing, dance, and celebrate at an Easter ball.