Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Popular Insect Dishes in the World

From crunchy cricket pakoras to silkworm chutney, here are some popular insect-based dishes across the world.

Mayurbhanj Kai Chutney (India)

It is a spicy chutney made with roasted red ants. 

Jing Leed (Thailand)

It is Thailand's famous snack. Deep-fried cricket served with beer.

Eri Polu Silkworm (Assam, India)

It is one of the traditional indigenous food items.

Chapulines (Mexico)

This Mexican dish consists of fried grasshoppers served with a sauce or other flavouring.

Beondegi (South Korea)

A popular street food snack, beondegi consists of steamed or boiled silkworm pupae, seasoned with soy sauce, sugar, and spices.