5 Popular Varieties Of Litchis Available In India

Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Litchi is often known as the ‘queen of fruits’ and is a summer fruit that people wait for. Here are five popular varieties of litchis available in India.

Shahi Litchi

It hails from the Muzaffarpur area of Bihar. It is one of the commercial cultivars cultivated for table purposes.

China Litchi

This litchi is also cultivated as a table fruit in the Muzaffarpur area of Bihar. It is medium- to large-sized, globose, with a red and orange hue.

Kasba Litchi

This variety of litchi is mostly grown in the eastern part of Bihar. It is medium- to large-sized and heart-shaped.

Early Seedless Litchi (Early Bedana)

This variety of litchi hails from Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. It is a medium- to poor-yielding variety but bears regularly.

Rose-Scented Litchi

Grown in the Muzaffarpur area of Bihar, this variety of litchi is known for its distinct rose aroma.