5 Preventive Measures To Stay Safe From Diseases During Monsoon

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh | AUGUST 13, 2024

Keep surroundings clean

Stagnant and contaminated water in our surroundings becomes the breeding point for mosquitos. One should dispose of the waste properly, remove clogged-up water from surroundings and clean drains on a regular basis to maintain hygiene.

Maintain personal hygiene

Keeping in mind how these diseases spread from unclean environments, personal hygiene appears to be very important. Regularly washing clothes, changing bed sheets, keeping things sanitized and not sharing personal items is a must during these times.

Protection against mosquitoes

The usage of mosquito repellents is a necessity during the monsoon. This is important because protection from mosquitoes lessens the risk of these diseases spreading. Wearing full-sleeve clothes can also be a sensible option to protect yourself from mosquitoes.

Maintain diet

A diet is essential for the body during these times as diseases spread at rapid rates and if the immunity of your body is not strong, it becomes an easy target to diseases and fails to fight back. We should also avoid eating street food or raw, uncooked food as it may not prove to be safe.

Consult doctors

In many cases these diseases get worse when they are not treated properly and with adequate medical attention. Staying in touch with medical professionals is a must so that if you face any difficulty or experience any symptoms you can immediately consult a doctor and get proper medical attention.