Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

5 Reasons To Drink Carrot And Beetroot Juice Everyday

1. Controls Obesity

One can have carrot and beetroot juice every day as it is low in calories and rich in fibre which can also help in reducing the extra fat from the body.

2. Boosts Digestive System

 If you have digestive-related problems, you can consume the juice regularly. The fibre present in this juice strengthens the digestive system and also gives relief from problems like constipation, indigestion and gas.

3. Keeps Blood Pressure at Bay

If you are troubled by your increased blood pressure, then carrot and beetroot juice can prove to be very beneficial. The potassium and magnesium present in both these juices keep our blood pressure under control. 

4. Replenishes Blood in the Body

The juice is a good source of iron and cures blood-related problems which also increases the form of red blood cells.

5. Helps to Prevent Secreting Cancer Cells

The juice has some anti-cancer properties which prevent from creating cancer cells in the body. If the person is diagnosed with the disease, then can consume the juice every day.