5 Reasons Why Quinoa Can Help You Lose Weight

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

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Quinoa seeds contain eight essential amino acids and vitamins like magnesium and calcium. Quinoa also contains a lot of iron and vitamin B12. Iron and vitamin B12 are both required for energy production and weight loss.

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Low in Calories

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Quinoa has a low-calorie count. With quinoa, you don’t have to worry about overeating. Quinoa can be combined with salad or vegetables and beans to make a low-calorie meal.

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Rich-fibre Diet

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Quinoa is widely regarded as one of the best fibre-rich grains. So, quinoa may be the best fit for your weight loss diet plan.

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Quinoa is gluten-free and is an excellent choice for increasing your diet’s nutritional and antioxidant value. People who prefer a gluten-free diet can use quinoa as an alternative.

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Low Glycemic Index

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The glycemic index measures how carbohydrates affect blood glucose levels. Quinoa has a low glycemic index of 35, which means it is safe for diabetics and will not cause blood sugar spikes.