5 Reasons Why You Should Have Cold Showers In The Morning

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Improves blood circulation

When cold water hits the body, it sends our circulatory system into overdrive and causes the heart to pump blood at a faster rate to maintain our ideal body temperature. This triggers the circulatory system to reduce inflammation inside the body and aid in preventing cardiovascular disease.

Skin irritation

If you have a skin condition that causes irritation and itching or others, cold showers can help in overcoming the desire to scratch and calm the inflammation or rashes. Hot showers instead lead to drying of the skin and increase irritation or redness.

Jolts you awake

As soon as the cold water hits your body, there is a bit of shock. This shock heightens the oxygen intake, and heart rate and increases alertness. Cold water is also beneficial after a tough workout as it relaxes the sore muscles. 7. Benefits skin and hair.

Benefits skin and hair

Unlike hot water which opens the pores, cold water tightens the pores and constricts blood flow, which results in a healthy skin glow. Many beauty experts recommend washing hair in lukewarm or cold water instead of hot water, to prevent drying out of the skin and protect the sebum layer.

Boosts immunity

Cold showers are believed to boost immunity and make one less prone to sickness. A study titled “The Effect of Cold Showering on Health and Work: A Randomized Controlled Trial” found that those who take cold showers are 29 per cent less likely to fall sick.