Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

5 Reasons You Should Eat Peanuts Daily

Aids weight loss

Because peanuts are so low in carbohydrates and so high in essential nutrients like protein and fiber, they can help maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) especially in children and young adults.

Improves heart health

Eating peanuts is associated with better regulation of low-density lipoprotein and overall cholesterol levels. This attribute is definitely great for your heart as it can keep your blood vessels clear and healthy, prevent blockages and heart diseases.

Helps build muscles

A food source as packed with plant proteins as peanuts is likely to help gym-goers build lean muscle mass better. Peanuts are also believed to promote muscle growth and repair.

Boosts immunity

These nutrient-dense foods have various immune-boosting capabilities along with the ability to regulate your blood pressure and cholesterol levels better.

May prevent ageing

Some studies show that at least one of the bioactive compounds found in peanuts - resveratrol - improves anti-ageing cell function. Eating peanuts can therefore help prevent signs of ageing from showing up.