5 Seeds To Boost Hair Growth

Flaxseeds are like magic sprinkles for your hair!

Flax seeds

Packed with omega-3s and nutrients, they’re your hair’s best friend, helping to boost growth and add shine.

Pumpkin seeds are tiny and crunchy, packed with zinc and essential nutrients.

Pumpkin seeds

Just munch on these little power-packed snacks and watch your hair go from meh to wow!

Not only good for weight loss, this little seed are a wonder drug for your hair.

Chia seeds

You can mix it on your smoothie or add a spoon to your yoghurt.

It brings a lot to your table. There is a reason why experts call it a super food. 

Sesame seeds

Use these seeds in your salads or stir into dishes and watch your hair transform into a luscious mane.

For the salon-like shine, add sunflower seeds to your diet.

Sunflower seeds

These golden nuggets are loaded with vitamin E and healthy fat.