5 Signs Of Deteriorating Mental Health You Must Not Ignore

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Mental health is gradually getting the attention it deserves.

Many people have now started to talk about the issue and share their difficulties regarding mental health problems with others.

However, we are still somehow unable to recognise the signs of mental illness which may lead to serious consequences in the long run.

It’s important to recognise the signs of mental illness and seek professional help whenever needed.

Look for these changes in your life to detect any mental health issues.

Being sad due to some bad news, or some incident is common. Sometimes, you can even feel sad because of no reason but it could be temporary. However, if you are feeling sad for a long period of time and you don’t know the reason, then it can be a sign of mental illness.

Prolonged sadness

Feeling of numbness, increase in breathing rate, and pumping of heart too fast can be the signs of anxiety. If you are facing anxiety issues often then it is a matter of concern.


When our mind is tired, our body reacts in the same way. If you are spending too much time alone just sleeping the whole day, then maybe you are suffering from depression or other mental disorders.

Too much sleep

If you are feeling that you are unable to control your anger and lose temper easily, then it might be a sign of mental illness. It is a warning sign of stress, anxiety or grief that you might be hiding from everyone for a long time.

Outburst of anger

It happens when you are extremely tired or exhausted. You may hallucinate about things and it could be a sign of mental disorders such as schizophrenia. However, if detected on time, the impact can be minimised and you can live a normal life.
