5 Signs That You Are Sleep Deprived

Fatigue is like having your personal energy tank running on "E" all day long.


It's that state where every chore feels like lifting a mountain.

This one is a red flag and it is high time you must fix it.

Daytime Naps

If you're drifting off in the middle of a conversation, it’s time to prioritise health.

Suffering from brain fog? You must work on your sleep cycle.


Aim for 7-9 hours of good night's sleep. Trust us. It works like magic.

Not just sleep, but you must improvise your diet chart for a healthy lifestyle.

Poor Immunity

Of course, sleep plays a major in the overall well-being.

Lack of sleep can turn you into a grumpy cat one minute and a cheerful puppy the next.

Mood swing

Get some quality rest to bring back your 'A' game.