Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Signs to Detect Fatty Liver Disease

A fatty liver develops when an excess amount of fat accumulates in the liver. 

In its initial stages, it typically poses a minor health concern and can be effectively managed.

But if the condition worsens, it may trigger liver inflammation, liver damage and the replacement of healthy liver tissue with scar tissue.

 This advanced stage is known as liver cirrhosis and can eventually lead to liver failure or the potential development of liver cancer.

Here's a look at some warning signs of fatty liver disease.


Advanced liver disease triggers a condition known as ascites, which involves the buildup of fluid in the abdomen.

Legs and Ankles

Liver damage caused by fatty liver disease can result in a condition known as portal hypertension, which results in swelling in the legs and ankles, a condition known as edema.

Chest and Breast

Severe fatty liver disease in males can cause gynecomastia, which is the enlargement of breast tissue. It is a result of hormonal imbalances linked to liver dysfunction and may also be connected to a decrease in sexual desire and infertility.


Advanced fatty liver disease and liver dysfunction associated with portal hypertension result in puffiness and swelling of hands.


In severe cases of fatty liver disease, edema can extend beyond swelling in the legs and ankles and also affect the feet.