5 Steamed Dishes To Eat In Summer

Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

In summer, taking care of the gut can be a bit tricky because of frequent temperature changes. Here are five steamed dishes you can add to your summer diet.

Steamed Fish

It is made by marinating the fish in a paste of spices and stuffing a lot of vegetables inside it. The fish is then covered in a banana leaf and steamed. 

Prawn Salad

Simply steam some prawns and add them to a salad mixture of lettuce, cherry tomatoes, lemons, and some mushrooms.

Cabbage Rolls

Make a stuffing of your choice and fill it in cabbage leaves. Now roll it and secure it with the help of a toothpick. Steam these rolls in a steamer until they become properly cooked.


Patra is a famous Gujarati dish. It is made by lathering arbi leaves with a mix made from chickpea flour, rice, batter, turmeric, salt, and red chilli. Now, roll these leaves and cut them into small bite-sized pieces. Place these roles in a steaming tray and then steam until they become properly cooked.

Sponge cake

This classic steamed dessert is made with custard powder, all-purpose flour, and honey.