5 Superfoods For Glowing Skin

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Maintaining healthy and glowing skin goes beyond skincare products and beauty treatments.

Following a specific diet becomes crucial. To start with, it is important to steer clear of processed foods and those high in sugar. 

Instead, focusing on consuming wholesome home-cooked meals and incorporating fresh produce into our diet is highly recommended.

According to health experts, there are five essential foods that can work wonders for maintaining healthy skin.

When it comes to maintaining healthy skin, mint is a true champion. This aromatic herb contains rosmarinic acid, an antioxidant that improves blood circulation to the skin.

Despite its somewhat acquired taste, bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, is packed with skin-loving antioxidants. It boasts a variety of compounds, including water-soluble vitamin C, lipophilic vitamin E, and carotenoids.

Jamun, or Indian blackberry, offers remarkable benefits for your skin. It contains ellagic acids and quercetin, two compounds known for their skin-protective properties.

Amla, also called Indian gooseberry, possesses incredible benefits for the skin. Amla enhances the proliferation of fibroblasts, cells responsible for producing collagen, which promotes skin elasticity.

If you’re searching for food that can protect your skin against free radical damage, look no further than ash gourd. This nutritious vegetable is rich in vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that helps maintain healthy skin.