5 Superfoods to Increase Haemoglobin Levels

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

Vitamin C-rich Foods

To properly absorb iron into the body it needs vitamin C. Make sure to incorporate oranges, lemon, bell, peppers, berries, tomatoes, grapes, grapefruits, kiwi and much more in your diet.


Beetroots are packed with high iron content, folic acid, potassium and fibre. Either include beetroot in your smoothies or sandwiches or you can make me juice and drink it every day to keep your haemoglobin levels right.


Pomegranate is an extremely nutritious fruit that is a source of calcium and along with protein, carbohydrates and fibre. It is yet another superfood that can increase haemoglobin levels.


If you want to increase your blood count, make sure to eat lots of dates as it is nourishing and is packed with iron. You can add it as a garnish to your sweet porridge, smoothies, drinks, salads, and much more.


Legumes like peanuts, peas, beans and lentils are good for your blood. The iron and folic acid content boosts the production of red blood cells and increases haemoglobin levels in the body. You can cook lentils as dal or khichdi and add beans and peas to it.