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5 Surprising Benefits Of Banana Peels

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Bananas are sweet, soft fruits that are popular around the world. They are easy to eat and can be consumed by both children and adults. 

Usually, people throw away the peels, but they are not only safe to eat but also offer many health benefits.

In addition to the nutritional value, they also have environmental benefits.

Both bananas and their peels can have different health benefits, depending on their ripeness.

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First Aid

Banana peels are considered a great source of first aid. They have antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Banana peels can also be used to treat insect bites or itching.

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White Teeth

Many people cannot get rid of the yellow colour from their teeth. Experts have advised that brushing teeth with the inside of a banana peel makes them whiter and also relieves toothache.

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Skin Care

Banana peels can also be used for dry skin. Rubbing them on dry skin can heal cracks and make the skin softer. It has also been found that banana peel can help get rid of pimples.

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Hair Care

Banana peels are not only good for skin care, but can also add moisture and shine to the hair. Whether applied directly to the hair or mixed into a hair mask, banana peels provide a natural boost to hair health.

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Water Purification

When the peels are put in water, they can be used to remove copper and lead and make the water pure. They are a low-cost purification tool.