Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

5 Surprising Benefits Of Beetroot Peels

Beetroot peels lip scrub

Grate the peels of beetroot and then mix sugar in it. Massage it on the lips with the help of your fingers. The dead skin cells on the lips will be removed and the natural beauty of your lips will return.

Beetroot peels toner

Soak the peels of beetroot in water overnight. Next morning, filter this water and keep it in a bottle and se as a toner. Applying this will keep your face fresh of your face and give it a healthy glow.

Beetroot peels face mask

Soak the beetroot peels in water for some time. When the colour of the water starts changing, remove the peel and add lemon juice to it. After massaging the face with this, let it dry for half an hour and then wash your face. Not only will the face glow but dead skin cells will also be removed.

Beetroot peels for dandruff

Combine vinegar and neem water with juice from beetroot peels. Apply the mixture to your hair, and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. After the allotted time, wash your hair. Your scalp will be thoroughly cleaned as a result of this.

Beetroot peels for itchy hair

Rub the inside of the beetroot peel on the scalp. By doing this, not only will you get relief from itching, but dead skin cells will also be removed. Remember to wash your hair carefully after 15 minutes of rubbing the peel.