5 Things To Keep In Mind When Donating Blood

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Determine eligibility

A person must be between 18 and 60 years of age to donate blood. Your ability to donate depends on several factors, including your age, weight, general health, and any underlying medical issues.

Prepare your body

Take care of your body in advance to maximize your donation experience. Make sure you’ve had a healthy supper and are well-rested. Water is the best fluid to consume in the 24 hours before the donation.

Understand the procedure

Learn about the blood donation procedure to allay any concerns or worries you may have. Typically, the procedure includes registration, a quick medical history form, a quick physical exam, and the actual blood donation.

Hydrate and nourish yourself after donating blood

It is important to resupply your body with resources after giving blood. Drink a lot of liquids, particularly water, to assist and replace the volume lost during the donation process. For a few hours, desist from strenuous physical activity, and weightlifting.

Monitor your well-being

Immediately after donating blood, be mindful of your health. Some people may experience transient side effects like lightheadedness, dizziness, or bruising where the needle was inserted. Usually, these signs end on their own.