Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Tips on How to Choose A Life Partner

Appearance is not everything

Physical appearance isn’t an important factor to consider when searching for a life partner. While attractiveness can be appealing, it’s essential to look at the bigger picture. 

Respect is a must

Respect is paramount in any relationship, especially in a marriage. No matter how much you analyse your options, if there’s a lack of respect, the relationship can become suffocating and unhealthy. 

Watch their behaviour

Spend enough time together to observe their daily habits and behaviours. The more time you share, the better you’ll understand how they interact with you and others. 

Decode their etiquette and manners

It’s crucial to observe a person’s etiquette and basic nature, as these tend to remain consistent over time. Pay attention to their demeanour, whether they are calm, angry, dominant, dismissive, passionate, chivalrous, or confident. 

Look out for similarities and differences

Balancing similarities and dissimilarities is crucial when selecting a life partner. While it’s true that “opposites attract,” be cautious not to be too different that you lose connection over time.