Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

5 Tips To Get Your Skin Prepped For The Winter

Avoid Taking Really Hot Baths and Showers

During the chilly winter months, taking a hot bath is a common and comfortable activity. Applying body oil before taking a bath can assist the skin maintain moisture.

Be Sure to Use Sunscreen

Although the winter months are gloomy and obscured from the sweltering sun, you should always use sunscreen. Your skin can be better prepared for the harsh winters by using a natural sunscreen.

Keep Hydrated

One of the finest skincare advice for any season or climate is to stay hydrated. The greatest approach to maintain healthy skin is to drink plenty of plain old water.

Moisturizer is a Must

Make sure to choose a moisturiser that works with, rather than against, your skin type. Because of its moisturising and moisture-locking qualities, hemp seed oil is a popular component to search for in moisturiser.

Healthy, Balanced Diet

One of the most overlooked components of an efficient skincare programme is a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables ensure that the body receives essential nutrients and that your skin is healthy and glowing.