5 Tips to Go Hiking with Your Pet Dog

Hiking is a strenuous activity, don't take pets along if they aren't fit.

Make Sure Your Dog Is Healthy

Get a thorough checkup done before you take your dog for hiking.

Hikers on the trails should have their dogs on a leash.

Keep Your Dog on A Leash

Don't let your dog wander off, keep an eye on it to prevent mishap.

Allow your dog to take frequent breaks as it can't tell you when tired.

Let Your Dog Take Frequent Breaks

Keep your pet hydrated, so offer water at regular intervals.

Carry enough food, treats and disposable waste bags for your dog.

Pack Plenty Of Supplies

Don't forget a pet first-aid kit and protective hiking gear for your buddy.

Pick up your dog's wastage and be decent to fellow hikers while travelling.

Respect Environment

Use pet waste bags and always throw them away in trash cans.