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Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

5 Tips To Grow As A Leader

Growing as a leader takes effort. Here are a few tips that can help you to grow as a leader.

Know yourself

Before growing as a leader, you should know yourself in terms of strengths and development needs. It is helpful to get continuous feedback from others, including your manager.

Manage your energy

Make sure you are spending time on the right things. Prepare your to-do list in advance.

Pick focus areas

Realign your actions in the next six months to match your priorities. Draw up a list of specific areas of focus with a limit of five priority areas.

Build a circle of influence

Try to make a circle of influence as communicating your strengths to this circle of influence can help you position yourself for projects that may have seemed inaccessible before.

Choose how you show up

Make sure to focus on how you present yourself and your views in meetings and at events.