Gray Frame Corner

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht


Connect with People

Prioritize social connections, particularly in-person interactions, as they offer unparalleled stress relief and mood enhancement.

Talk and Listen to Others

Sharing concerns or stresses with someone who cares is an effective method to soothe your nervous system and alleviate stress. Likewise, actively listening to others in a secure environment can broaden your perspectives.

Stay Away from Social Media

Limiting exposure to others’ lives on social media can prevent unhealthy comparisons and reduce feelings of low self-worth, which contribute to anxiety and depression.

Have A Good Sleep

Sleep holds greater importance than many realize, serving as the optimal means for our body and mind to recharge and rejuvenate.

Being in the Present

Enhancing mental well-being involves focusing on the present moment, including thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and the surrounding world. This practice, often termed “mindfulness,” contributes to greater life enjoyment.