5 Tips To Maintain Curly Hair

Choose conditioners with slightly heavier textures.


Apply a generous amount of conditioner and leave it for 2 mins.

Daily hair wash can lead to dryness and difficulty to manage

Don't Wash It Frequently

If you have long or thick hair, wash it in sections to minimise damage.

Use a wide-toothed comb or brush to prevent breakage in your hair.

Choose The Right Comb

After applying conditioner, you can comb your hair to make it easier to manage.

Heat and UV rays can dry out curly hair.

Protection From Sun

Wear a wide-brimmed hat to shield your hair from the sun and ensure it stays moisturised.

Tie your hair into a loose ponytail before sleeping to prevent friction.

Sleep Time Routine

This helps reduce frizziness and minimises the risk of breakage.