5 Tips to Prevent and Control Alzheimer’s

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

Control high blood pressure

If you have high blood pressure and are forgetting things quickly, try to keep it under control. By decreasing blood flow to the brain, and promoting the creation of amyloid plaques and other factors, high blood pressure can make Alzheimer’s worse.

Manage blood sugar and maintain weight

 There is a link between sugar and this brain disorder. So, it is best to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Additionally, try to lose as much weight as you can to fend off such ailments.

Stay away from smoking and alcohol

 Avoid smoking and alcohol use if you want to prevent brain-related disorders. Smoking weakens the nerves in your brain, which could aggravate Alzheimer’s disease.

Adequate sleep

A lack of regular, quality sleep might further exacerbate Alzheimer’s issues. It is therefore preferable to get at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep per day. 

Mental stimulation

Maintaining cognitive function and halting the progression of Alzheimer’s can both be facilitated by engaging in cognitively stimulating activities. Engage in activities like solving puzzles, and performing musical instruments.