5 Tips to Remember While Fasting If You Are Diabetic

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Select Nutrient-Rich Flours

When making rotis, opt for flours like kuttu aata (buckwheat flour) or singhara aata (water chestnut flour). These flours are considered healthy choices for people with diabetes. 

Diversify Protein Sources

As certain pulses may not be allowed during fasting, make a conscious effort to include alternative protein sources like milk, yoghurt, or paneer (cottage cheese) in your diet.

Embrace Barley

Barley is known for its positive impact on blood sugar control, making it an excellent addition to your Navratri diet.

Avoid Fried Foods

During Navratri fasting, numerous fried foods are prepared. However, if you have diabetes, it’s crucial to steer clear of deep-fried options. Explore healthier cooking methods such as grilling, baking, or steaming.

Moderate Potato Consumption

Many fast-friendly dishes incorporate potatoes, but individuals with diabetes should exercise caution. Instead of treating potatoes as a vegetable, consider using them as a substitute for roti and pair them with curd or a vegetable salad.