5 Tools That Help Apple Make The Internet Safer For iPhone Users

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Apple has always proudly talked about focusing on privacy of users which has even irked giants like Meta.

As a part of the Safer Internet Day this week, Apple feels the need to highlight some of its efforts that keep iPhone users safe from any major threat or possible intrusion.

While the company has a plethora of features that keep users safe, we have decided to highlight the top 5 tools that Apple has introduced in recent times for protecting its users.

App Limits

While the company has a plethora of features that keep users safe, we have decided to highlight the top 5 tools that Apple has introduced in recent times for protecting its users.

Communication Safety

This feature is vital to protect kids by alerting them about sensitive content they receive via messages or apps like WhatsApp and Telegram.


Parents have the power to restrict their kid’s usage of the device and also control the apps they can download, or in-app purchases they can make.

iCloud Private Relay

Apple is making your web activity anonymous and secure with this feature as long as you do the browsing on the Safari web browser.

Screen Distance

And finally, Apple has taken on itself to remind you when you’re at a safe distance from viewing the screen which is critical if you have a really long screen time schedule.