5 Types Of Overnight Soaked Water For Weight Loss

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Manuj Yadav

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The practice of overnight soaking in water is an easy and efficient approach to facilitate weight loss. Here are five different types of overnight-soaked waters that help promote weight loss.

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Jeera water

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Jeera water is a natural remedy believed to aid weight loss. Drinking this infused water in the morning on an empty stomach is thought to boost metabolism, aid digestion, and reduce bloating.

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Fennel water

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Soaking fennel seeds in water overnight and consuming them in the morning as a first thing can potentially aid weight loss efforts.

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Cinnamon water

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Overnight-soaked cinnamon water can help regulate blood sugar levels, curb cravings, and enhance metabolism.

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Fenugreek water

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Overnight-soaked fenugreek water promotes a feeling of fullness and reduces appetite.

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Ginger water

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Consuming this infused water in the morning can improve your weight loss journey and reduce extra fat.