5 Unusual Christmas Celebrations Around The World

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Austria: Bad Santa

In Austria it is believed that Santa’s malicious accomplice – a terrifying ghoul known as Krampus, wanders the streets during Christmas to scare and harm misbehaved children.

Ukraine – Cobweb Decor

Ukraine’s Christmas celebrations are a different ballgame. Instead of decorating with the usual lights, wreaths, and mistletoes, Ukrainians beautify their surroundings with cobweb illustrations using strings and other fabric.

Caracas – Roller Skate

In Venezuela’s Caracas, people attend the morning mass at churches on roller skates. Every year during Christmas, the city-dweller takes out roller skates and is seen skating on the streets heading toward the church.

Norway – Flying Witches

Every year on Christmas Eve, the residents of Norway make sure to hide their brooms and sticks so that witches do not find their preferred mode of transport and cause any mischief.

Iceland – Yule Cat

In Iceland, it is believed that a massive cat wanders on the streets during Christmas. Earlier, farmers used to take the Yule cat as a method of incentive to reward their workers with new clothes.