5 Warning Signs of Silent Heart Attack You Must Be Aware Of

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Chest Pain and Discomfort

This could be the most typical heart attack warning sign. The discomfort or pain starts in the middle of the chest, and comes and goes. Additionally, there may be a pressure or fullness that is uncomfortable. Heartburn or indigestion may be the sensation experienced during a silent heart attack.

Unexplained Fatigue

A silent heart attack may be hinting at you if you find yourself experiencing persistent and unexplained fatigue after engaging in activities that weren’t difficult before. Unknown weariness may result from the body using its energy reserves.

Difficulty Breathing/Shortness of Breath

Breathlessness is an indication that your heart is not beating heartily enough. People who feel an unexpected loss of breath without engaging in strenuous physical activity should be aware that they may be having a silent heart attack.

Nausea and Dizziness

Persistent nausea may indicate a problem with the heart, especially if it is accompanied by lightheadedness or dizziness. These sensations can be brought on by a drop in blood pressure caused by the heart’s ineffective blood pumping capacity.

Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating that is unrelated to the weather or physical activity may indicate a cardiovascular problem. Sweating may be the body’s reaction to cardiac stress, and its existence is cause for concern, particularly when accompanied by other symptoms.