5 Ways To Celebrate Diwali This Year

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

Clean your house on or before the first day of Diwali

Before the first day of Diwali, it’s a tradition to clean the house, signifying a fresh start. It’s a way to cleanse your environment and make room for the positive energy of Diwali and the new beginning ahead.

Decorate your home and doorways with rangoli on the second day

Rangoli is a traditional form of art and decoration made from sand or rice, often depicting symmetrical and beautiful flowers like lotuses and daisies.

Recite mantras

In Hindu tradition, mantras are chanted to seek the blessings of good fortune, wealth, youth, and beauty. An individual can practice reciting the traditional mantras with other family members.

Light diyas and candles

To welcome the goddess Lakshmi into the home during Diwali, it is customary to light 4-6 diyas or small oil lamps near the doorways, often placed around your rangoli designs.

Hang string lights around your home to make it bright and festive

Embrace the spirit of the festival of lights by brightening up the entire home. Hang string lights indoors by lining them along walls and weaving them through tables and mantels to create a festive atmosphere.