5 Ways To Do A Digital Detox

Set Clear Boundaries

Designate specific areas in your home, such as the bedroom or dining area, as tech-free zones.

Use do-not-disturb settings to mute alerts, notifications and calls.

Establish A Screen-Free Hour

Dedicate the first or last hour of your day to activities that don't involve screens.

Use this time for activities like reading, journaling, exercising or meditating.

Social Media Break

Consider removing social media apps from your phone or logging out of them.

Mute notifications to reduce distractions and foster peace of mind.

Schedule No-Screen Days

Spend some days without screens to reconnect with the real world.

Engage in face-to-face interactions and outdoor activities with friends and family.

Go Analog When Possible

Opt for physical books rather than eBooks.

Try traditional methods like writing letters instead of sending messages through apps.