5 Ways To Eat Ghee This Winter

Begin your day with a spoonful ghee in your morning tea or coffee.

Enrich your morning beverage

You can also add ghee to your daily glass of milk and enjoy!

Spreading ghee on chapati is a traditional way to enjoy ghee.

Apply ghee on chapati

Take a spoonful and brush it over your freshly made chapati.

This is the best and easiest way to include ghee in your diet.

Use while roasting veggies

Add a fair amount of ghee while cooking your daily veggies for meals.

A spoonful of ghee can elevate the taste of your dish.

Add ghee to soups or dal

Dal with ghee ka takda is unbeatable.

Add a generous amount of ghee to your badam ladoo or besan ladoo.

Make your dessert more tasty

Please don't go overboard. Ladoos are already on the heavier side.