Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Ways to Get Rid of Acidity Without Medication

Changes in Eating Habits

It might be a good idea to maintain a food journal. Make sure you don’t sit or lie down instantly after eating. There should be a three-hour gap between your meal and bedtime. Keep in mind to consume smaller meals more frequently.

Drinks to Avoid

The worst thing you can do to yourself is consume carbonated drinks if you have acid reflux. Consuming these drinks makes people burp. This sends acid into the esophagus. You should also avoid drinking sparkling water.

Sleeping Habits

It is considered ideal to have your head to be higher than your feet when you are sleeping. While you might want to try stacking pillows, this might not be as usual as you might think. Pillows are unlikely to provide your head uniform support.

Weight Loss

 If you are overweight, the chances of being at risk of acid reflux and heartburn increase dramatically. Your first focus should always be to maintain an ideal weight. A well-balanced diet is as necessary as getting involved in physical activity. Make sure you exercise 3-4 times every Week

Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking in most cases reduces the frequency and severity of acid reflux. For some people, it makes the problem completely go away. This is because smoking reduces the amount of saliva produced.