5 Ways To Keep Your Children Safe From Heatwaves

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

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With soaring temperatures that are expected to become worse, summer vacations will require more caution for children. Here are some ways to keep them safe.

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Continuous Hydration

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Encourage drinking water frequently and carrying water bottles when visiting outdoors. Plenty of healthy fluids can actively combat dehydration. Limit the intake of sugary and carbonated drinks that can dry out the body.

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Choosing Lighter Fabric

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Fabrics like cotton and linen can help keep body temperature cooler. Opt for these natural and breathable fabrics for your children.

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Intake of Electrolytes

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Oral rehydration solution (ORS) can be provided to the child during or after an intense physical activity or outdoor session. These will help the body restore lost salts and minerals.

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Limited Exposure to Direct Sun

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Encourage indoor activities during the hotter parts of the day. During outdoor activities, opt for hats, caps, umbrellas or other gear to minimize direct exposure.

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Seeking Medical Attention

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In case of any symptoms like headache, respiratory issues, dizziness, reduced urination, etc., reach out to a medical professional immediately. Further, educate children about such symptoms and teach them to share any experience of discomfort.