5 Ways to Treat PCOS Fatigue

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey

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PCOS is a hormonal syndrome that affects women of reproductive age. Studies suggest that the hormonal imbalances caused by PCOS can lead to lethargy and sluggishness. 

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The most common signs of PCOS are irregular periods, excess androgen levels, USG showing the polycystic appearance of ovaries, metabolic issues like insulin resistance, weight gain, difficulty in losing weight, and developing type 2 diabetes.

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Here are some ways to treat PCOS fatigue

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Lifestyle modification This treatment can help reduce insulin resistance and also restore the hormonal balance. 

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 Eating a balanced diet Try to include low-starch vegetables such as carrots, cauliflower, and green vegetables in your diet. You can also include carbohydrates such as quinoa and root vegetables.

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Hydration Hydrating yourself well can also help with PCOS fatigue. It can help keep yourself hydrated and energized.

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Workout Working out regularly, every morning will help you feel less tired and keep you energised as well.

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Work on your sleep schedule Make sure you set a strict sleep schedule for yourself. This would include going to bed and waking up at a fixed time every day.