Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Mohit Bisht

5 Yoga Asanas To Reduce Puffy Eyes

Do you get puffy eyes from staring at screens all day? Here are some yoga asanas that can help reduce puffy eyes.


It is known for its calming and soothing effects on the neurological system. This pose also helps improve blood circulation to the face and eyes, which helps to reduce puffiness.

Adho mukha svanasana

Adho mukha svanasana gives instant stress-busting effects as long-term stress can cause weight gain, dark circles, puffy eyes, acne, pigmentation, and a patchy complexion.


It assists in relaxing and calming your muscles, ensuring a good night’s sleep which indirectly helps to reduce puffiness.


It is an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety. It also helps to improve cardiovascular health.

Viparita karani

This pose helps drain fluid from the face and eyes and can minimise inflammation. It reduces the effects of causes that can lead to puffy eyes and dark circles.