Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Mohit Bisht

5 Yoga Poses To Beat Summer Migraines

For many, heat exacerbates migraines, making the summer months particularly exhausting and unproductive. Here are some yoga asanas that can help reduce the risk of summer migraines.

Child's Pose

It promotes relaxation and relieves tension in the neck, shoulders, and back, areas commonly affected by migraines.

Supine Twist

It helps to release tension in the spine and back muscles, which can often contribute to migraine discomfort.

Forward Fold

It helps to release tension in the neck, shoulders, and upper back, which are common areas of discomfort during migraines. 

Legs up the Wall

It is highly effective for relieving tension and stress, which are common triggers for migraines. This gentle inversion encourages blood to flow from the legs back towards the heart and brain.

Corpse Pose

This pose allows the body and mind to enter a state of complete rest. It can help reduce tension in the muscles and alleviate mental fatigue.