5 zodiac signs who love food

The bull is the sign that controls food. Therefore, it's no wonder that those belonging to the Taurus zodiac sign are the biggest foodies.

Such food aficionados hate leaving uneaten food on their plate, and if you notice any food on their plate, you can bet that the dish was not to their liking.

When it comes to eating, Virgos will try everything. Be it a date, online class or after-breakup emotional session, nothing is complete without food for them.

Virgos are also excellent chefs and can help themselves to snacks when none are available.

Cancerians not only have a strong love of food, but they are also the ones who are always seeking methods to feed others.

Cancerians are ready to taste anything and everything, although they prefer sweets over savoury appetisers.

Sagittarius will be the first in queue for tasting any new foods.

While eating is a favoured pastime of Sagittarius, they don’t like cooking.

Leos' tongues are solely designed for food that has been prepared by the hands of experts.

Unhealthy junk food is not something they want, and the place they pick to dine is always sanitary, with good standards and a comfortable setting.