Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

5 Juices Every Jaundice Patient Should Have

Millets are a group of highly nutritious, gluten-free grains widely cultivated in many parts of the world.

Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, millets offer numerous health benefits.

They are drought-resistant, environmentally sustainable, and a valuable resource in addressing global food security and nutritional challenges.

The Year of Millets in 2023, declared by the Government of India, has brought newfound fame to these ancient grains.

When compared to other cereals, millets are called a health promoting grain, as they contain superior micronutrient profile.

It helps in managing diabetes also, because of Low Glycemic Index.

It can also be consumed by celiac disease patients because it does not contain gluten.

Millets also help in managing cardiovascular diseases.

It helps in reducing weight and obesity.

Millets, when eaten with pulses, helps to create complete protein profile, increases the amino acid availability and overall helps in protein digestion.