6 Bedtime Skincare Tips for Glowing Skin

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Clean your face

Before going to sleep at night, make sure to clean your face with a mild face wash or cleanser. Before hitting the bed, make sure you remove all the makeup that you have applied and get rid of dirt and pollution from your face.


Drink plenty of water before going to bed at night so that your body can flush out the toxins. This will automatically give your skin a healthy glow. Apart from this, make sure to also provide external hydration to your skin. Use a moisturiser at night.

Eye care

The skin around your eyes is delicate and hence needs more attention. Make sure to use an eye cream or serum to prevent wrinkling, dark circles or lines. Instead of rubbing, make sure you dab the product and let your skin soak it in.

Use silk or satin pillowcases

If you have been using cotton pillow covers, then replace them with silk or satin pillowcases. Silk or satin is gentle on your skin and hair and prevents wrinkles.

Bedtime snacks

On your bedside table, make sure to keep some almonds, walnuts, dried berries, raisins and dates as well. These contain vitamins, antioxidants, fatty acids and other essential nutrients that are needed by the body.

Relaxing exercises

Before you hit the bed, do a few moderate exercises like meditation, breathing, exercise, or yoga. Not only will this help you calm down before you sleep, it will also help you in de-stressing.