6 Early Symptoms of Diabetes

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Diabetes is one health condition that cannot be treated and can also turn fatal.

It is a chronic disease where the pancreas is not able to produce sufficient insulin or the body is unresponsive to it.

Diabetes can be well managed through a healthy diet and exercise and by leading a fit lifestyle.

It is also necessary to identify the symptoms of this problem before it turns too late for the patients.

Unexplained weight loss: When people start to experience weight loss without any significant reason, it can be a symptom of diabetes.

Difficulty in seeing things: Blurred vision can be another indication of diabetes. Fluctuations in the blood sugar levels affect the working of the lenses in the eyes.

Frequent infections: If you get diagnosed with infections frequently, then it can also be a sign of diabetes. It is because diabetes weakens the immune system and makes it prone to infections.

Difficulty in healing wounds: High blood sugar levels can harm blood circulation and also damage the nerves. It causes the wounds to heal slowly.

Dry and itchy skin: Diabetes can cause dry, cracked and itchy skin due to poor circulation and nerve damage. Skin changes may show up on the legs, elbows, or hands.

Fatigue: Constant tiredness or fatigue is another symptom of the diabetic patient. Fatigue and weakness occur when the cells are not getting enough amount of glucose.