While this ayurvedic supplement is popular in India, it has been banned in Canada since 2005 due to high levels of lead and mercury.
Extremely popular in India, Kababs are banned in Venice, Italy to ‘preserve the decorum and traditions’ of the city.
Samosa, a popular evening snack in India, is banned in Somalia due to its connection to India which is perceived as foreign influence.
France banned ketchup in school and college cafeterias to preserve French cuisine and prevent teenagers from consuming too much of it.
Singapore has banned the sale, import, and manufacture of chewing gum since 1992 after it was found fouling streets, buildings, and public vehicles. If found spitting gum, you could incur a hefty fine.
Widely used in Indian cooking, poppy seeds are banned in Singapore and Taiwan due to its morphine content and risk of viable seeds being sold to grow opium poppies.