6 Food Habits for Better Digestion

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Warm Water Elixir

After savouring rich and oily dishes, make it a habit to drink warm water. This simple practice aids digestion by breaking down oily food into smaller particles, facilitating the digestive process and alleviating discomfort.

Green Tea Ritual

Incorporating green tea into your post-indulgence routine can be beneficial. Rich in flavonoids, green tea helps prevent oxidative stress in the digestive system, contributing to overall digestive well-being.

Embrace Probiotic Foods

Ayurveda recommends incorporating probiotic-rich foods like yoghurt into your post-feast regimen. Combining yoghurt with roasted cumin seeds can enhance its digestive benefits, providing relief from acidity problems.

Mindful Timing for Sleep

Avoid the temptation to sleep immediately after indulging in oily food. Health experts caution against sleeping right after eating, particularly after a rich meal. This practice can prevent the deposition of fat in the body, averting potential health issues

Steer Clear of Cold Foods

Post-oily indulgence, refrain from consuming cold foods like ice cream and juices. These items can exert unnecessary stress on the digestive system, potentially causing discomfort. Opting for warmer alternatives supports digestive ease.